Business Trial Laboratory (B-LAB)


B-LAB or Business Trial Laboratory is a platform for ViA students to support and evaluate their business ideas before starting entrepreneurial activities.

The goal of B-LAB is to promote entrepreneurship among students and encourage them to develop their own business ideas. By providing necessary consultations and infrastructure, this activity also increases innovation and business development in the region.

B-LAB is the right place if:

  • You have a business idea but you are not sure about its viability,
  • You lack knowledge about entrepreneurship and business planning,
  • You do not know where to start and whom to ask for advice.

Who can take part in B-LAB?

Students or student teams (up to 5 participants) who have their business idea.  


  • Business ideas examination for its viability,
  • Space for work and meetings,
  • Internet access, WiFi, access to office equipment
  • Access to laboratories,
  • Mentoring,
  • Training (lectures, seminars, practical tasks),
  • Proficiency to present yourself and your idea etc.

How to get involved?

"B-LAB 2019" is OPEN
You have a business idea but you are not sure about its viability? 
Want to join the activities offered by the B-LAB platform?

For additional information please conact: 
Madara Narnicka 
Manager of Society and Science Projects 
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 20242590

"B-LAB 2019" training topics, dates and times!

1. Introduction to business - 12.02.2019.  at 17:30pm (Business support center "SALA", Liepu street 3, Ungurpils)
2. Team work - 27.02.2019. at 17:30pm (Business support center "SALA", Liepu street 3, Ungurpils)
3. Marketing and sales - 12.03.2019. at 17:30pm (Business support center "SALA", Liepu street 3, Ungurpils)
4. Finances -  27.03.2019. at 18:00pm (ViA audience T203)
5. Communication training / pitching - 10.04.2019. at 18:00pm (ViA audience T203)
6. Closing event - 17.04.2019. at 18:00pm (ViA audience T123/T124)